
If you want to get to know the scientists behind the work even better, this is just the right place for you. In this section of Beyond, the researchers present books which have impacted their lives and their ways of thinking in meaningful ways. The books presented range from novels, to memoirs, to science books of all sorts. You can filter the books by genre or just scroll through the list. This is also a great way to get inspiration for your own reading!

Christoph Brumann

Klara And The Sun

Klara, like Alexa or Siri, is an AI. She sits in a shop window, waiting to finally be bought. But she also ponders: what will her life be like in a human environment? A modern fairy tale by winner of the Nobel prize in literature Kazuo Ishiguro.

Ulf Liszkowski

The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition

With his systematic research on the cognitive capacity of human children and non-human primates, Michael Tomasello shows which factors contributed to the fact that the human brain is disproportionately larger than that of animals.

Matteo Maturi


Even if you don't believe in horoscopes - constellations are a fascinating world. Based on the history of astronomy and supplemented by beautiful illustrations of the constellations, Govert Schilling takes us to these extraterrestrial realms.

Jim Hinton

The Regeneration Trilogy

1917: In a scottish military hospital, army psychiatrist William Rivers treats soldiers traumatized by war before they are sent back to the front. in her regeneration trilogy, Pat Barker masterfully shows the atrocities of every war and makes it clear: It is not countries that lose the war, but individuals.