
If you want to get to know the scientists behind the work even better, this is just the right place for you. In this section of Beyond, the researchers present books which have impacted their lives and their ways of thinking in meaningful ways. The books presented range from novels, to memoirs, to science books of all sorts. You can filter the books by genre or just scroll through the list. This is also a great way to get inspiration for your own reading!

Noa Hegesh

The Soundscape of Modernity

In this history of aural culture in early-twentieth-century America, Emily Thompson charts dramatic transformations in what people heard and how they listened. What they heard was a new kind of sound that was the product of modern technology. They listened as newly critical consumers of aural commodities.

The Little Prince

Dessine-moi un mouton! Some of us still know Saint-Exupéry's "Little prince" from french class. With school days long gone, it's worth picking up this book again and immersing yourself in its beauty.

Greta Giljan

Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher

The genius manuscript of a unknown author makes the young poet Hildegunst von Mythennetz seek out the city of Buchhaim. Because if there's somewhere he can find the mysterious author, it's in the catacombes of this book-crazy city. Entering the city is like entering a giant library and he is drawn into a place where reading is actually dangerous.

Tomas Alarcon Schumacher

Children of Time

The last remnants of the human race left a dying Earth, desperate to find a new home among the stars. Following in the footsteps of their ancestors, they discover the greatest treasure of the past age – a world terraformed and prepared for human life.